Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Since you've been gone.

A couple of months have gone by since we last checked in on the War for Hirestel!

On Sacred Ground, The Gruntz prepared for a glorious fight! The final conflict against the pesky and pestilent Church of the Festering Cistern was to take place amidst the tombstones of the fallen heroes of Hirestel. But the Church didn't show. In fact, there was no sign that they had even invaded Sacred Ground. Disappointed, the Bonesplitterz could only scratch their heads (among other parts) and claim victory! And then they strode across Hirestel to the Lava Fields and took the fields by using their sheer numbers to overwhelm The Polychromatic Host, The Host Brethren, and the Dragoneater Tribe. Though there were no more rats to fight, there would always be a battle in Hirestel!

The Living Forest, burned by the flames of Angorrath and his Chosen and decayed by the Hand of Nagash, was razed to ashes. The two warring factions fought each other to near annihilation, but the Hand of Nagash ended up claiming victory ultimately once Krell returned to lead Nagash's favored warriors. The great Bloodthirster's army, however, completed their domination of The Underground by extinguishing the icy touch of The Winter Hunt. They remain there, summoning more of their kind to rebuild from their losses and forcing those that fled to the Underground from Overstadt into Khorne's service.

For the first time in as far as anyone could remember, the Eternal Battlefield fell silent. And The Corridors - which had been completely overcome by the Festerfeast - was once again clear to explore. And eventually The Spire went silent. The Blight Council - champions of Hirestel - had left in what seemed like an instant.

Morathi's Angels managed to used their newfound arcane powers to fight back the armies of Death, the Fist of the Gorepine, and the Seekers of Slaanesh. Never able to rest on their laurels, the Daughters of Khaine must constantly go to war to maintain the magical power in the Garden from the many armies that would take it away from them. 

The people of Overstadt have fled. The Harbingers of Spring - and their leader Queen Aredhel Braybane - saved myriad lives in their efforts to stop Lesitan's Legion from overwhelming the city through trickery. The Mad Magister's followers fought with a fervor in their fallen leader's name, but they didn't expect the free people of Overstadt to rise and join the Aelven heroes in combat. Each victory led to another fight, however; and both the aggressive behemoths of the Thunderquake Starhost and the ever-present Gorgers carried out massive attacks on the city walls. While the city did not fall, many casualties occurred. The breaking point was The Gorgers claiming The Spire, and the people of Overstadt fled the city in search of safety elsewhere...

In the Realm of the Damned King, The Nightwave finally had the answers on how to destroy the immortal King Limbgulper. Scylla Silent Night led her finest Deepkin (alongside stern Sigmarite warriors) into the terrible keep of the King. The Lions of Sigmar - frequent rivals of The Nightwave - joined in the effort to give Scylla a shot. In the midst of a bloody battle at the keep of the Ghoul King's gate, Scylla whispered Limpgulper's secret name and pitched her blessed spear at the Damned King who was astride his Terrorgheist. At the last moment, a Varghulf Courtier threw itself in front of the spear! The Varghulf burned from the inside, roaring in agony - and the Damned King smiled. Knowing their was no was to victory, Scylla called for the tide to recede and The Nightwave retreated into the night. The King reclaimed his spear, handed it to an Infernal Courtier, and told it to get ride of it.

And then he told it to send every Crypt Flayer in the Flesh Eater Court's warband to capture as many of your armies warriors as possible.

The King had had enough. And he would have a joust.

Friday, August 31, 2018

Paint-cation Day 5

Aside from a couple bit and basing, Nagash is DONE! That was my painting day, and I'm pumped. If my Paint-cation ended today, I'd be very pleased with my progress. Last night I painted some more metal on Tzaangor and filled gap on a dozen or so Castigators from my Stormcast army (wild hair up my ass move there!) My Crypt Flayers are done too!

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Paint-cation Day 4

DAY 4! I have color on all of my ghouls (except for the Ghast, who will be a different color), and I've got the Crypt Flayers to a point where I'm happy with them! I got lazy with the drybrushing on the wings, and I'm a bit disappointed with some of the wins; but it's time to move on! I still need to brighten up some of the bone.

It's been a very productive day already, and I'm just getting started!

That was just the beginning...

September 16th

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Paint-cation Day 3

The last day has been all about the Crypt Flayers! Painting the bones on the wings was arduous, but I managed to finish them with everything base coated. Just added Agrax Earthshade all over, and now I'm moving on to some drybrushing! On the wings I'll be building up the green with a couple shades to make it appear brighter near the middle of each wing section. Haven't decided exactly how I'll be doing the talons and all that yet, but I'm making serious progress here! I hope to be done with all 9 by tomorrow. Woo!

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Paint-cation Day 2

After Day 1 - I have base coated my 9 Crypt Flayers aside from the damned bones on their wings. Going through and doing that now. Plan on having that done today!

I did a layer of skin on 30 Tzaangor! Blocking out the metallic parts in Leadbelcher to see what colors I want to use on the rest of the model before I finish up the skin and move forward. I was thinking light blue skin, dark blue hair, silver and gold metallics, and reddish brown leather (which will be a color I'll tie in to all of my Beasts of Chaos also.)

Many more hours of work to go today! PROGRESS!

Monday, August 27, 2018

Paint-cation Day 1

I have the entire week off of work! I had an actual vacation that fell through, BUT that gives me a whole week to really dig into some hobby work - something I've been very excited about lately! Each day this week I'll be posting updates on my hobby progress.

I planned on focusing on Flesh Eater Courts solely, but the Beasts of Chaos announcement has me very excited. So I'm going to be mixing it up! The goal for today is to get 9 Crypt Flayers done, and I've already put in some good work and finished a test model. I'll be doing bases down the line, as I haven't decided on a final scheme yet.

Since you've been gone.

A couple of months have gone by since we last checked in on the War for Hirestel! On Sacred Ground, The Gruntz prepared for a glorious ...