Monday, March 26, 2018

War for Hirestel - Dreamwalking


Many warbands found or fought their way into Qhaysh; and after the destruction of the lone realmgate that allowed passage back and forth, those armies were lost and perhaps forever so. All armies but one.

Bloodied and worn down, the lone army to get through the realmgate before the war that erupted around it were The Dreamwalkers - a specialist group of Wanderers known for being thrown into very dangerous situations and going forth without fear. Dressed in all white with spots of light blue on their cloaks, The Dreamwalkers blended in with their surroundings on this moonlit evening.
The survivors of the warband weren't slowed down due to their trials in the previous months, moving quickly to return to their home with word of their findings. A massive Forest Dragon glided silently over the band of aelves, keeping an eye out for danger and shrouding the precious cargo that The Dreamwalkers were hurriedly transporting below. You see, they didn't just have secrets to bring back to their kin.

On a wagon pulled by Glade Riders was a massive object hiding beneath a cloth covering and tied down tightly on all sides. No one in the company spoke as they rode, even when the object seemed to emit a strange glow for several seconds at a time. Several artifacts survived the trip through the realmgate, but none were filled with such obvious power as what was on that wagon. The Spellweaver that met the group at the gate to aide in their return was the only member of the troop showing any emotion.

And that emotion was concern. "Whatever is on that wagon does not belong in this realm," she whispered. She looked to the stern riders to either side of her and the gallant and scarred warriors all around. She hoped their bravery and curiosity wouldn't be their annihilation.

War for Hirestel - The Beastclaw and The United


Chaos took over Greywater Fastness immediately.

Lord Nimron - notorious leader of a the most feared group of Beastclaw Raiders in all the Realms - and his endless army of icefall yhettees, Thundertusks, and icebrow hunters flooded through a newly-created Realmgate and onto the frozen sea bordering the Fastness. The Anvils of Heldenhammer in Greywater Fastness sprung into action, with hordes of Prosecutors flying over the walls and raining down hammers on the relentless hordes. Paladins of all varities appeared from the heavens in a flash, going to war with the giant beasts of Nimron's army, but could do nothing to stop the horde.

Lord Ordinator Anactos Trueforge stood atop the walls shouting orders to his lieutenants, not an ounce of fear in his voice. The brave Free Peoples of the Fastness - a particularly tough city of the Mortal Realms - were just as quick to actions. The Ironweld Arsenal's contribution to the city was great: cannons and other artillery were quick to the fortress walls alongside their Stormcast allies. They were prepared for an attack, but not quite ready for an assault of this magnitude. "Where are they coming from?" thought Lord Trueforge.

Yhettees deftly maneuvered around Paladins, giving as good as they got from Sigmar's toughest infantry forces. For every Yhetee that fell, a Paladin was ripped apart and destined to be reforged at Sigmar's Anvil.

Stonehorns and Thundertusks were well-prepared for their assault, goreing Stormcast in two and using their overwhelming ice attacks to clear a path towards what appeared to be their ultimate goal - destruction of Greywater Fastness itself. Judicators proved more effective than their foot soldier brethren, keeping the hordes of Yhettees at bay and making them think twice about a reckless charge.

Suddenly, a great cry of despair came from the Free People officers behind Lord Trueforge. "My lord!" an exasperated Freeguild General exclaimed. "We are surrounded!" Turning around and moving to the other side of the wall of the tower he stood upon, he saw what the commotion was all about.

A conflagration of Chaos Knights, Chaos Warriors, Gorebeast Chariots, and a multitude of other slaves to the various gods of chaos were marching towards Greywater Fastness' eastern wall. Riding in front of them atop a manticore was a fierce-looking warrior in a horned helm. She raised a large axe, and at that moment the entire army erupted into a charge! Banners representing all four chaos gods flew in the midst of the army, Khorne's depraved followers up front next to their leader.

Lord Trueforge said a prayer to Sigmar and knew that Greywater Fastness would fall this day.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

War for Hirestel Preview: The Eternal Battleground

The Eternal Battleground is a strange region of Hirestel indeed. Many locations on the battlefield will not allow combatants to die, and that makes gaining control of the Eternal Battleground... tricky. For that reason, power is gained here by controlling special points in battle or simply wanton slaughter - killing your opponent until they don't want to get back up.

The first mission in the Eternal Battleground is a special one: heroes only, friends. That's right, Deathless Champions pits 3 to 4 players in a 1000 pt. game consisting of only heroes! Non-behemoths, though, folks... no sporting player would take Archaon at 1000 pts. anyhow, but just in case. Your heroes can come back to life after death to battle again, and knowing when to bring them back will be the key to victory!

In Eternal Conflict - a throwback to the Realm of Discovery - two 2000 pt. armies will try and kill one another until the Battleground itself is satisfied and declares a winner! In this battleplan as well, your dead will return to battle! Killing units at the right time will give you the upper hand as you race to bloody the Eternal Battleground with your foes blood or guts or bone dust or maggots or whatever they have crawling around inside them.

Finally, Arcane Artefacts sends two Skirmish bands in search of powerful artefacts to take with them throughout their battles in the realm. Unlike last league, artefacts may change hands from game to game, making them even more powerful! Some of the artefacts you can find:

Cloak of Protection
Idol of Qhaysh
A dented crown
Mirror of Reflection
an old, smelly shoe

and more!

Now those of you who played last time will remember a mirror and what it did... what does that mean is coming in addition to the mirror? Show up on April 15th for the War for Hirestel and be one of the first to fight for the deadliest artefact of them all. My lips are sealed, but trust me: you'll want those obelisks.

Oh damn.

War for Hirestel Preview: The Underground

Sorry for the lack of previews and stories lately! I've been spending all of my time working on the rules for all of the battleplans... which brings us to The Underground, a region of Hirestel I finished wiriting today!

Deep beneath the bustling, busy streets of Overstadt lies the dark, strange, magical-tinged labyrinthian Underground. All of sorts of strange and evil and powerful things go on down here... who is going to be willing to dive into the depths of the caverns and morality in order to control Hirestel?

Daniel Landrum will, I bet. Daniel Joelsson and his Dark Aelves definitely will. I expect this to be a STRONG Daniel region. Daniel Anderson?!

First of all there is a Skirmish battleplan straight out of the Malign Portents book! Well of Souls is a simple, but fantastic battleplan that pits skirmishers in a fight to the death over their opponent's very souls! Make sure your models are painted for this one - the prettier the model, the more likely they will be scooping up souls for your armies benefit.

If you dig deeper your armies will find a wild, giant cavern filled with four powerful altars. In Altars of the Gods two players will be battling it out for favor of unknown deities to give them power to overcome their foes. How dirty and blasphemous are you willing to get, Daniels?

And finally in Night March, your armies will be scrounging in the dark against several other armies in a Mutliplayer battle to to death. Range on missile attacks and spells will be limited as your warriors feel around for enemies to slay. Victory comes with plenty of Control Points for your army - but at what cost?

More previews coming soon, folks. It was awesome to see so many of you out today. Get hype! The War for Hirestel is nigh!

Monday, March 12, 2018

War for Hirestel - The Brisket

A Leadbelcher brute swings his cannon wildly, taking out 5 Moonclan Grots in the process by sending them flying out of view! A Grot Shaman does a funny dance and points his staff at a Tyrant, turning him instantly into a goat! A trio of Ogors push over a Moonclan hut with very little effort, sending little Grots scurrying for safety. A group of Grots have piled on an Irongut, clawing his flesh and cackling with glee.

Yes, it's just another day in Ghur and the armies of Destruction aren't getting along.

A wild brawl between a village full of Moonclan Grots and a roving band of Gutbusters has erupted after - allegedly - the Moonclan wouldn't share the wisdom of their new leader Snazzgar Stinkmuller with the Ogors. The wisdom they were seeking? The recipe for Yhettee brisket. Such a recipe doesn't exist, but these sorts of lies and gossip have torn the armies of Ogors, Orruks, and Grots apart lately. It's all very silly.

An Ogor gets launched by a gleeful Mangler Squig over a group of trees bordering the village, but the great Shaman Snazzgar doesn't pay attention. He walks calmly through the carnage, shaking his head.

"OH GEEZ..."

A Butcher tries to guard his cauldron from curious Squigs. A half dozen fanatics swing their weapons maniacally into a group of armored Ogors and send themselves spinning into their allies.


Gutbuster-allied Grots are arm wrestling with Moonclan Grots on picnic tables, and no one is messing with them. The stakes couldn't be lower as neither side can pin the spindly arms of the others.


Leadbelchers fruitlessly fire into a Colossal Squig, who subsequently squashes them. A pair of Squig Herders are pummeled by an albino Ogor.


*record scratch*


Snazzgar pets his own head, a giant death's head mushroom, and is pleased with his ruse. A goat bucking in panic is the only one causing a bother.


Everyone is on board, nodding and chittering.


And just like that, everyone is pleased! Ogors cheer, Moonclan Grots dance, and a goat bleats. A Grot Shaman bops a goat on the head, and it turns back into a Tyrant. The Tyrant opens his mouth wide and swallows the Shaman in one big gulp.



The next special character that players can bring belongs to Destruction!

The Great Snazzgar Stinkmullet has united Ogors and Grot alike! If you take a Fungoid Cave-Shaman and would like to use him as Snazzgar instead, you can spend an extra 40 pts. on him and enjoy the following additional rules:

Snazzgar has 2 extra Wounds and the ability THE PROMISE OF BRISKET: Snazzgar may use the Fungoid Cave-Shaman Command Ability even if he isn't the general, and may use his Ability even if a Command Ability has been used this turn. 

I think this will make it easier to unite Ogors and Grots in the War for Hirestel!

Friday, March 9, 2018

War for Hirestel Preview: The Lava Fields

Things overheard last year while playing missions in The Lava Fields:

"That's ridiculous."

"Wait, they just die? Even heroes?"

"I hate this mission."

Yes, the deadliest mission in Qhaysh is now the deadliest region in Hirestel! Not for the wuss of heart, great sacrifice will be required to be successful in the tumultuous environment of The Lava Fields.

The first way to play will be a slight change on many's favorite mission from General's Handbook 2017! Scorched Earth (and other missions!) is included because it's a wonderful mission, but also a balanced option for those who will be competing on the competitive ladder (more on that later!)

The only difference will be the scoring when one players burns an opponent's objective down! All unpainted units score a maximum of 1 point when burning an opponent's objective. A painted but unbased unit scores a maximum of 2 pts, and a fully painted and based unit scores a maximum of 3 pts. (normal scoring)! Another tweak to promote painting of units while allowing anyone to jump in and play.

The second mission available to play is the source of much gnashing of teeth: IN SEARCH OF A SMITH! This is a Battleplan for smaller armies where players will be searching the area for a secret door to a legendary Duardin smith to create a special weapon for their army! The catch is this special rule:

THE FLOOR IS HOT LAVA: All around the terrain massive lava flows around small stepping stones and objects to leap upon. However, anytime you run or charge over any part of the board not covered with terrain (even if you fly), roll a die for each model. On a 1 they’ve lost their footing (or falter in the air) and fall into the lava, dying a painful death. Fyreslayers are immune to this effect.

So your warriors will have to step lightly, but the payoff will be worth it! A special item for your army and control points for the Lava Fields to boot!

In addition to these two Battleplans, there will be a Skirmish mission as well. Who's going to be brave (or foolish) enough to take the first step into the Lava Fields? And will anyone be playing Fyreslayers?

Thursday, March 8, 2018

War for Hirestel - The Rememberer


 "Lord Ordinator, you have gone too far!"

Chancellor Maigurk planted both hands firmly on the long table and stared down the much larger, metal-clad man across from him. Seated around the table were the other elders of Greywater Fastness, grumbling and murmuring their approval of their elected leader's words. The gray-haired Chancellor glared at the Stormcast emissary, not backing down even though he was half the size of the Sigmarite warrior.

"We appreciate everything you've done for us. We are only "Free People" because of Sigmar and his Eternals, and we recognize you personally as a hero. Lord Trueforge, you have overseen much of the construction of Greywater Fastness in recent years, making our walls nigh-impenetrable."

The elders nod and mumble their agreement. Anactos Trueforge, Chief Lord Ordinator of the Anvils of Heldenhammer, stood leaning against a wall, arms crossed and eyes cast to the ground. Chancellor Maigurk kept his gaze on him and he walked up him slowly.

"But your prophecies have become frightfully close to insanity. I know you have been reforged several times, Lord Trueforge; and I also know the madness that has followed your brethren after too many times at Sigmar's forge."

The Lord Ordinator raised his eyes, meeting those of the Chancellor.

"You say there is a realm that is unknown to everyone but you?!"

The elders around the massive table - built from the Syvlaneth forests that surround the Fastness - bang their hands on the wood in outrage.

"You say that everyone just FORGOT about an entire REALM?! And you have seen this to be true in your dreams?!"

"NO, NO! HERESY! FOOL!" the elders shouted at the unmoved Stormcast.

"The entire Eldritch Council knows nothing of this realm? But you insist it exists? I am fully aware of the strange and macabre portents throughout the Mortal Realms that are scaring peasants and livestock. But here at Greywater Fastness, we are made of sterner stuff."

The elders shout their agreement. Maigurk - now inches from the massive Lord Ordinator - has to stare straight up to meet the eyes of the target of his tirade.

"...and you want us to assemble the entirety of our forces here in the city to prepare for battle against something that is supposed to appear from out of nowhere, and you're unsure of the time."


The Chancellor took a step back, shook by the depth of Trueforge's voice. He stilled himself for a moment to regain his composure, looking to the elders for support.

"Well, we cannot do that. We cannot shut down the city and just wait. You have no idea what it truly takes to make Greywater Fastness thrive. You are a builder, and a madman!"

The Lord Ordinator started toward the small man, but the entire meeting was interrupted by a young man bursting through the tall keep doors.

"Chancellor Maigurk!" the page shouted, tears and panic in his eyes.

Sirens started to sound throughout the city, and the elders around the table stood and began to loose their grip.

"Ladies and gentlemen, calm yourselves," pleaded Maigurk to no avail. Soon everyone in the room - save Lord Trueforge - was herded to the windows of the Council Tower by the young page.

A Realmgate had opened in the middle of the sea bordering the city, a place no Realmgate had ever been. Eminating from the Realmgate was a slow-moving freezing blizzard, and the sea froze as the snowy tendrils reached out closer and closer to the city walls.

"Lord Ordinator.... Lord..." Maigurk stumbled over his words

The Chancellor turned his head back to the sea, which was now being traversed by a massive Beastclaw Raiders army fronted by thousands of Icefall Yhetees. The elders scrambled out of the room, while Maigurk's eyes began to glaze over as he stared out into the unimaginable.

"Who... what?" sputtered Maigurk as he reached behind him and found a seat. Lord Trueforge walked up behind him and placed a massive hand on the old man's shoulder.

"Nimron has arrived."


The next special character that players can bring belongs to Order!

Lord Ordinator Anactos Trueforge is a unique hero that can be controlled in the War for Hirestel! Anyone using a Lord Ordinator can spend an extra 60 points to take him instead. He is just like a Lord Ordinator, but with an extra Wound and with the following special ability:

"The Rememberer": Lord Trueforge remembers Qhaysh the Forgotten Realm, and also finds himself remembering things that have yet to happen. Once a game, you may change any dice roll to a result of your choice (excluding rolls specific to Battleplans and turn rolls.)

Sunday, March 4, 2018

War for Hirestel Preview: The Spire

There are many Realmgates across the Realms that open up into Hirestel, but only one Realmgate in Hirestel of which all Realmgates flow: The Spire. The Spire is one of the most magical and mysterious spots in Hirestel, and battle for control of it will be incredibly difficult and rewarding.

The first Battleplan is called "Blood on the Spire Steps" and is a multiplayer match for 3 to 6 players with armies consisting of 1000 points. The Realmgate resides near the steps and battles are constantly being waged in an effort to be one of the first to make it to the top of The Spire.

The winner of the match will earn 1 point per participant for control of The Spire, but ALSO be allowed to enter The Spire and begin to ascend to the top!

In "Ascension", the games turns into a 75 pt. Skirmish match between two victors of "Blood on the Spire Steps"! There will be a chart present to track everyone's progress. Once you've won a game on  The Spire steps, your progress is saved and you can come back to "Ascension" until you win. Once you win and head up to the rooftop terrace, it's all or nothing!

"Ascension" is full of treasure and traps, but winning this match gets you entrance to "View From the Top" - a 1000 pt. Pitched Battle on the perilous rooftop of The Spire!

The points earned from victory in this Battleplan will be HUGE in control towards The Spire! Once you've earned victory in all three Battleplans, your points are earned and your progress is reset. There are 27 other ways to play, but if your influence should fall to another Grand Alliance, you may always come back and fight your way back to the top!

War for Hirestel - The Whisperer

The ghastly absence of what was once a man hunches motionless, gravesand running through his fingers. A tattered shroud flows behind him, and a flawless silver helmet covers what would have been his face. He admires the sand running through his fingers, knowing that this and all the sand surrounding him represents lives that will someday turn to death. As years have gone by, it's been all he has been able to think about. 

Arkhan the Black, Mortarch of Sacrament and most trusted lieutenant of Nagash, Supreme Ruler of Death, approaches from the distance on foot, traversing the serene dunes. The only other entities around the moonlit sea of gravesand are the slaves of Arkhan, lost souls who were cowards or traitors in life and imagined their death to lead to exactly this. They will be here for eternity, tending to this garden with rakes and an eternal gaze into the shimmering gravesand. In Shyish, your afterlife is as you imagine it; and these poor souls would have been served better to be more creative in their thinking about the afterlife. 

"You were told not to come here any longer, knight."

The sand finishes moving through the Knight of Shroud's fingers, as he turns his head slightly to meet Arkhan's stern gaze.

"I know, my lord, I remember. I don't know how I ended up here again. I just always do."

The knight's voice was barely audible, but the Mortarch was used to communicating with his most powerful Nighthaunt commander. His voice was always low, but it was also one of the most expertly manipulative in the Realms.

"We have need of your tremendous talents elsewhere, Whisperer," Arkhan spoke without rebuke in his voice. "I understand your admiration of this garden, but Nagash - whom you are to reserve the title 'lord' for - has a mission for you."

The knight straightens his posture and hovers over the gravesand, casting an eerie glow of the ground below him. "Who am I to whisper to, Master Arkhan?"

"No one of this realm, Knight. The portents have shown a Realmgate is about to open to a new realm. Your Lord asks that you lead an army into the Realm to claim it for Nagash." Arkhan places a skeletal hand on the shoulder of The Whisperer. "Make any mortals in the realm vow allegiance to our Lord, and when all is conquered you will have as much time as you wish to tend to his garden," he says with a gesture to the sea of gravesand. 

The Knight straightens up as the last grains of sand slide from his grasp. Scores of mortals (and several daemons) have believed his lies, and he has become an expert on knowing when one is telling the truth or not. Arkhan would never let him rest, never let him spend his time tending to the gravesand. "I will do as you ask, Master Arkhan. I would double my efforts in bringing followers to Nagash," the etheral champion rasped. 

Arkhan nodded affirmatively, and turned on his heel to walk away. The Knight lowered his gaze to the gravesand in thought. All Knight of Shrouds were traitors or cowards in their previous existence in the Mortal Realms - all except himself. Is that why Arkhan trusted him with this responsibility? Internally, The Whisperer vowed not to let his master down, even if he was never allowed to visit this site again.

Arkhan disappeared over the dunes as The Whisperer lifted his sword from the ground and floated away without looking back.


There will be several special characters that one can take for their Grand Alliance! The first is "The Whisperer'!

The Whisperer is a unique hero that can be controlled in the War for Hirestel! Anyone using a Knight of Shrouds can spend an extra 40 points to take The Whisperer instead. He is just like a Knight of Shrouds, but with an extra Wound with the following special ability:

"Arkhan's Deceiver": The Whisperer's voice is a powerfully manipulative weapon. In the hero phase, choose an enemy unit within 18" and roll 3 dice. If the total is higher than the enemy unit's bravery, that unit cannot attack or cast spells that would affect The Whisperer!

Since you've been gone.

A couple of months have gone by since we last checked in on the War for Hirestel! On Sacred Ground, The Gruntz prepared for a glorious ...