Deep beneath the bustling, busy streets of Overstadt lies the dark, strange, magical-tinged labyrinthian Underground. All of sorts of strange and evil and powerful things go on down here... who is going to be willing to dive into the depths of the caverns and morality in order to control Hirestel?
Daniel Landrum will, I bet. Daniel Joelsson and his Dark Aelves definitely will. I expect this to be a STRONG Daniel region. Daniel Anderson?!
First of all there is a Skirmish battleplan straight out of the Malign Portents book! Well of Souls is a simple, but fantastic battleplan that pits skirmishers in a fight to the death over their opponent's very souls! Make sure your models are painted for this one - the prettier the model, the more likely they will be scooping up souls for your armies benefit.
If you dig deeper your armies will find a wild, giant cavern filled with four powerful altars. In Altars of the Gods two players will be battling it out for favor of unknown deities to give them power to overcome their foes. How dirty and blasphemous are you willing to get, Daniels?
And finally in Night March, your armies will be scrounging in the dark against several other armies in a Mutliplayer battle to to death. Range on missile attacks and spells will be limited as your warriors feel around for enemies to slay. Victory comes with plenty of Control Points for your army - but at what cost?
More previews coming soon, folks. It was awesome to see so many of you out today. Get hype! The War for Hirestel is nigh!
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