Thursday, April 26, 2018
The endless barrage of fire from wild Bonesplitterz took the Harbingers of Spring by surprise. Expert hunters, these Wanderers moved quickly as one unit upon arrival in Hirestel as their Realmgate spilled them onto Sacred Ground. Historically, this strange realm had been good to aelves in tune with nature; and the Harbingers quickly found evidence of a faction of Wanderers known as the Dreamwalkers in the enormous structure at the heart of this territory. While many of the Harbingers searched this building more and secured a portion as a camp, a small team of scouts exited into the endless expanse of graves.
Even though they moved with caution, they were caught unawares by a gibbering Bonesplitterz tribe! The Orruks didn't seem to have any purpose for being there other than looking for someone to stick with arrows. The Harbingers had found evidence of great treasure (and potentially important artefacts) in their brief foray onto Sacred Ground, but the rain of arrows was too much for the aelves, and they were forced to retreat.
They, however, didn't leave empty handed.
The scouts got back to the building and managed to evade the Bonesplitterz clumsy tracking. Under her cloak, one of the Wanderers was compelled to hide something the scout team had found while digging in the mystical grounds. She looked around to see if anyone was looking; and when she noticed she was alone, she retired to a well-lit room on the second floor.
Emerging from her cloak was a gleaming, purple orb. It pulsed with an unknown power, and the Harbinger's eyes grew wide when her gaze met the beautiful artefact. It was speaking to her, but not audibly... and what was it saying? It wasn't a language she recognized. What she knew was this orb was calling to her, pulling her in. Just inches from her face, the orb had her full attention. She quickly shook her head, grabbed the orb tightly with both hands, and threw it through the glass of a window! A loud crash sounded as the orb flew through the window and down to the cemetery below.
A fellow Harbinger burst through the door to the room and exclaimed "What happened?! Are you okay?"
"I am now," she replied. "This... realm. It's wrong. All wrong."
"What do you mean 'wrong'?"
She didn't reply, just stood and composed herself. With an odd smile, she left the room leaving her fellow aelf to peer out the window in confusion.
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
War for Hirestel Preview: Overstadt
Ahhh, Overstadt! The most beautiful, prosperous, and only real city in Hirestel! While humans live all over Hirestel (including a perplexingly large contingent in the Realm of the Damned King,) Overstadt by far is the most populous. Not only humans, but duardin, aelves, and all manner of civilized folk inhabit this fair city!
Like everything in Hirestel, there is a dark side to the city, though. Corruption runs deep, and murder is a currency all its own! The first way to vie for control of this flawed metropolis is TOTAL CONQUEST, the fun (albeit annoying to set up) matched play mission from the General's Handbook 2017! Fight your way through the winding streets of Overstadt and stake your claim in key control points in the city.
My favorite multiplayer mission the TOWER OF SCREAMING DEATH is where multiple players can converge to capture one of Overstadt's strangest and most powerful fortress! If a player manages to capture this lightly-guarded fortress, that player will be able to rain down arcane magicks onto every enemy unit in the game! Garrisoning the fortress too early will get you ganked by every other player, though, so be wary. I know some of you are going to go buckwild a little to early and get got!
And finally, players can work alongside the free folk of Overstadt and take up a job to transport precious cargo in order to garner favor of the people! in FRAGILE CARGO one Skirmish warband will try and transport the goods, while one will try and smash that sweet, sweet cargo (wine? rice? DOGS?!) in order to humiliate the opponent!
Oh the jerks you'll become by trying to make your way to power in Overstadt! This is the 10th and final region to preview here! I hope to see you all this Sunday as the War for Hirestel begins!
Sunday, April 15, 2018
War for Hirestel Preview: Sacred Ground
In the far southeast corner of the map, the holy area known as SACRED GROUND looms large over Hirestel! A great cathedral overlooks miles of graveyards, temples, and mausoleums.
Here pagans take to spooky rituals to try and gain control over the land through arcane means. Armies converge on points of power to spill one another's blood to try as a sort of grotesque gift to the land. Great treasure also litters the ground and is buried at gravesites - hey denizens of Hirestel: you can't take it with you, buds!
The first way to throw down on SACRED GROUND is the Skirmish mission TREASURE HUNT! How many graves will you upend in your quest for that sweet, sweet treasure, you filthy animals!? Have you no respect for the dead?
No? Well... carry on then! Uncover enough treasure and you may find a mysterious prize. My lips re sealed on this one, Sigmar fans; but whether you take the artefact or not could have a big influence on future endeavors!
Secondly, players can meet in a one-on-one mission called THE RITUAL! One player does their darndest to get off a sick ritual while the opposing army tries to stop them! If the ritual gets off, that will surely mean great power for their army, so the Disrupter will do their best to shut that down! Bring Priests and Wizards to this one to help you dark prayers along!
And finally, a gruesome multiplayer match called FIELD OF BLOOD will have all involved trying to gut each other, spilling blood all over tombstones and themselves alike.
All of these battleplans are not Jon-originals, but all three have been playtested by yours truly and are super fun. We are exactly one week away from the War for Hirestel! Which one of you is the most holy (or heretical)?!
Here pagans take to spooky rituals to try and gain control over the land through arcane means. Armies converge on points of power to spill one another's blood to try as a sort of grotesque gift to the land. Great treasure also litters the ground and is buried at gravesites - hey denizens of Hirestel: you can't take it with you, buds!
The first way to throw down on SACRED GROUND is the Skirmish mission TREASURE HUNT! How many graves will you upend in your quest for that sweet, sweet treasure, you filthy animals!? Have you no respect for the dead?
No? Well... carry on then! Uncover enough treasure and you may find a mysterious prize. My lips re sealed on this one, Sigmar fans; but whether you take the artefact or not could have a big influence on future endeavors!
Secondly, players can meet in a one-on-one mission called THE RITUAL! One player does their darndest to get off a sick ritual while the opposing army tries to stop them! If the ritual gets off, that will surely mean great power for their army, so the Disrupter will do their best to shut that down! Bring Priests and Wizards to this one to help you dark prayers along!
And finally, a gruesome multiplayer match called FIELD OF BLOOD will have all involved trying to gut each other, spilling blood all over tombstones and themselves alike.
All of these battleplans are not Jon-originals, but all three have been playtested by yours truly and are super fun. We are exactly one week away from the War for Hirestel! Which one of you is the most holy (or heretical)?!
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
War for Hirestel - The Terror
Lord Trueforge knew it was time to retreat. The warriors of Chaos that showed up hours again had penetrated the walls of Greywater Fastness and were going to battle with not only the denizens and protectors of the city, but the horde of unstoppable, frozen terror that is Lord Nimron's Beastclaw Raider army (which had appeared from a Realmgate that appirated earlier.) Stormcast, Ogors, and Slaves to Darkness clashed in a three-way frenzy of death. Anactos Trueforge fought side-by-side with the Free People of Greywater Fastness, but his Stormcast advisors had insisted he retreat and protect an item that very few in the city knew about: a strange artefact from the Forgotten Realm.
While his allies themselves couldn't recall the realm of Qhaysh, and the Free People leaders of the city refused to understand, they loyal Stormcast Eterna;s in his charge believed their superior, knowing him to be an honest man. The wizards that resided in Greywater Fastness could tell the artefact had immense power, but were unable to tell exactly what that power was. Lord Trueforge ran in a sprint up stairways and winding corridors to get to the dark tower on the east end of the Fastness. At the top of the tower, two wood aelves opened a large doorway upon his arrival, sensing his coming. Out of breath, the Lord Ordinator slammed the doors behind him before turning to face a room of stern visages.
A simple room with a tall ceiling was inhabited by a dozen Wanderers standing at the ready, all facing what appeared to be a giant egg! Trueforge felt a great unease every time he was in this room; and while the wizards of the Fastness sensed power, the Stormcast leader sensed doom. Dread. Horror. The Wanderers known as The Dreamwalkers the were the only living souls known to escape from Qhaysh when its Realmgate closed, and its most determined and capable guarded what it transported out of the Realm of Discovery. The aelves looked to the Lord Ordinator for direction.
"The city is failing, and even with most of our host here, the numbers against us are overwhelming," Trueforge said grimly. "We need to transport the egg elsewhere, but I fear we are too late."
"Rememberer," a Dreamwalker in white and blue started, "perhaps your Sigmar can call upon Dracothian for assistance in the matter."
Trueforge seemed unsure. "Several Stardrakes are here in the city already, and they are the only reason we still have a chance to hold Greywater Fastness and keep the artefact safe."
With those ill-timed words, rumbling could be heard from outside. The Wanderers took up arms and Trueforge - breath heavy - brandished twin hammers as he turned around to face the door. A bang against the massive doors nearly broke them apart, and a second one in quick succession did just that. The massive frame of the tyrannical Lord Nimron burst through the door, a massive spear in hand, and he immediately impaled a surprised Wanderer upon it with a scowl.
"I'VE COME FOR THE EGG, METAL MAN!" he shouted as half a dozen ogors ran into the room! The Dreamwalkers fought bravely, deftly dodging the clumsy attacks of the much bigger assailants.
"You won't take this tower, Nimron! Burn the city down, but this tower will not fall into your hands!" Trueforge charged Nimron, sending several hammer blows into the ogor, but all were blocked by a shield made of out human bone that Nimron carried on his forearm opposite his weapon.
"YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IS INSIDE THAT THING, FOOL!" Nimron sent a boot into Lord Trueforge, but it barely moved the Anvil of Heldenhammer at all. Trueforge feinted a hammer strike high, then connected with his other hammer to the knee of Nimron. Nimron stumbled out of the door and Trueforge was on top of him! The Dreamwalkers held their own against the ogors as the two heroes rolled around looking for a chance to kill one another.
Suddenly, a loud crack resounded through the high-ceilinged room and combat stopped.
"NO!" Nimron exclaimed, moving to his feet and bracing himself against a pillar just outside the room.
Trueforge looked on in horror as the egg started to shake, great fissures forming in its structure. A terrible howl came from the artefact, sending every man, aelf, and ogor to its knees.
"What have we done?" a Dreamwalker lamented. The egg cracked open, and a MASSIVE TERRORGHEIST expanded to fill the room!!! Nimron ran down the tower steps while Lord Trueforge looked on in horror. In what seemed like an instant, the Terrorgheist killed every living thing in the tower with a flurry of jaws and talons. Gore painted the walls, bits of aelven and ogor alike mingling unrecognizable in a macabre vision.
Lord Trueforge stood stunned, covered in blood. The Terrorgheist let out a furious roar and took out an entire side of the tower room, and flew out of it. Shaking his head to regain his composure, Lord Trueforge ran to the opening to see the Terrorgheist heading for the Realmgate.
Monday, April 2, 2018
War for Hirestel Preview: Lesitan's Garden
The entire realm of Hirestel (formally Qhaysh) was created by a mad Tzeentch sorcerer named Lesitan. While he was slain in the middle of the war that erupted for control of Qhaysh, his magical essence was sealed in what he considered his greatest creation: his garden. The last bit of Lesitan's influence rests here, and it's here that the greatest magical energies exist! What a prize for the warband that manages to wrest control of this region!
The first way to play is a team multiplayer battleplan called True Magic! Three markers - "The Abyss", "The Warrior", and "The Innocent" - provide three ways to score! Coordination between teammates is key here to make sure to optimize scoring and keep opponents from scoring themselves. This is a retooling of THE GARDEN from the first league, a one-on-one match I really enjoyed. Also, this is 1 or 3 Team Multiplayer Battleplans, something I took into consideration after people saying they would like to see more team games.
The second battleplan is the Seize the Relic mission from the Skirmish book! A deadly, magical storm is moving through the Garden, and two warbands have to race to shelter before taken over by the storm. Is the storm Lesitan's doing somehow?!
The third way to play in Lesitan's Garden is good ol' Starstrike from GHB2017! It's a blast to play, you all know it, and it's here.
The key to all of these missions? Savvy maneuvering! Cut your opponent off, retreat tactically, and you'll be the army to control Lesitan's Garden.
War for Hirestel! 1 week from Sunday!
Sunday, April 1, 2018
War for Hirestel Preview: The Corridors
Are you willing to get lost to potentially find the artefact that would give you control over The Corridors?
That's the risk you take when you enter. 3 hard-as-nails battleplans that reward those willing to risk it all with dominance over this region!
The first way to play is in the Hall of Mirrors! You and your opponent come across a corridor littered with large, reflective terrain! Is the target you see real or a reflection? Huh, you stupid Judicator?! Is that a Tzaangor or not?!
*cough* I'm sorry
The Hall of Mirrors is a slight tweak of last year's mission, and it can get wild. Terrain fills the board; and while it's easier to hide in terrain, the terrain can also be exploded causing mortal wounds to those hiding inside!
In addition, the Assassinate mission from the Skirmish book from GW will be a Skirmish mission in which one warband tries to take out the general of another warband lost in the Corridors! You've come all this way into the Corridors! Kill/protect that general!
And finally, the big one - a 3-6 player multiplayer match that grows in potential CONTROL POINT EARNINGS based on the number of players! A win (or even second place) can be worth tons of points in BATTLE FOR THE ARTEFACT, where different armies meet in the middle of The Corridors looking for a strange artefact to grant them ultimate control! Lots of tactics here: Do you rush for the artefact, hang back and save your force for later (missing out on kill points), or go on a rampage and kill kill kill?
Unique to The Corridors is a chart that represents your army trying to escape The Corridors! You roll after each match, and it can mean more CONTROL POINTS earned and even potential points LOST in other regions due to your army being lost in the maze!
War for Hirestel Preview: The Living Forest
The chaotic Sylvaneth of The Living Forest are a twisted reflection of their brethren from the rest of the Mortal Realms. A creation of the mad Magister Lesitan, these Sylvaneth enjoy torture and the pain of their foes. Even other Sylvaneth armies are not safe!
Though most of the forest is an ugly tangle of terror, lots of beauty and power resides in pockets of The Living Forest! It takes days of searching to find these spots; but if your warband wants control, that sacrifice must be made.
The first battleplan available is Duality of Death from the General's Handbook 2017! Fighting through the forest, two warbands fight for control of 2 points of power. Make sure to bring tough heroes and behemoths for this one!
The second battleplan is a TEAM MULTIPLAYER MATCH called the Grove of Tears! Wells of wailing souls are looking to be free by allied armies, and lots of Control Points for The Living Forest are up for grabs in this one. However, even if a team wins, the drama is not over:
The winning team rolls 1 die a piece. The winner of the roll may decide to stab their teammate in the back! If they do,
they add 3 CONTROL POINTS towards control of the LIVING FOREST and subtract 3 CONTROL POINTS from their opponents!
they add 3 CONTROL POINTS towards control of the LIVING FOREST and subtract 3 CONTROL POINTS from their opponents!
ACK! Choose your friends wisely! The choice to turn on your ally would catapult your warband to the top of the Control Chart for The Living Forest, for sure!
The third way to play in The Living Forest is a Skirmish battleplan! An arena controlled by Spite Revenants wants to see you and another warband tear one another to pieces in ARENA BATTLE! This version is much more deadly than last years, but a quick win here is going to be huge to control The Living Forest! A roll of a '6' on the Arena Madness Chart could mean a TON of Control Points for both sides!
These are just 3 exciting ways to play of 30 that will be ready to go as The War for Hirestel starts 2 weeks from today! Are you ready?!
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Since you've been gone.
A couple of months have gone by since we last checked in on the War for Hirestel! On Sacred Ground, The Gruntz prepared for a glorious ...

Starting now and ending on May 19th the War for Hirestel is holding a grand WRITING CONTEST for all participants (present and future) in...
The entire realm of Hirestel (formally Qhaysh) was created by a mad Tzeentch sorcerer named Lesitan. While he was slain in the middle...
Lord Celestant Cadeyrn Battle-King strode purposefully down the highest hall of the citadel known as Heaven's Beacon. The floor and c...