Sunday, April 1, 2018

War for Hirestel Preview: The Corridors

Are you willing to get lost to potentially find the artefact that would give you control over The Corridors?

That's the risk you take when you enter. 3 hard-as-nails battleplans that reward those willing to risk it all with dominance over this region!

The first way to play is in the Hall of Mirrors! You and your opponent come across a corridor littered with large, reflective terrain! Is the target you see real or a reflection? Huh, you stupid Judicator?! Is that a Tzaangor or not?!

*cough* I'm sorry

The Hall of Mirrors is a slight tweak of last year's mission, and it can get wild. Terrain fills the board; and while it's easier to hide in terrain, the terrain can also be exploded causing mortal wounds to those hiding inside!

In addition, the Assassinate mission from the Skirmish book from GW will be a Skirmish mission in which one warband tries to take out the general of another warband lost in the Corridors! You've come all this way into the Corridors! Kill/protect that general!

And finally, the big one - a 3-6 player multiplayer match that grows in potential CONTROL POINT EARNINGS based on the number of players! A win (or even second place) can be worth tons of points in BATTLE FOR THE ARTEFACT, where different armies meet in the middle of The Corridors looking for a strange artefact to grant them ultimate control! Lots of tactics here: Do you rush for the artefact, hang back and save your force for later (missing out on kill points), or go on a rampage and kill kill kill?

Unique to The Corridors is a chart that represents your army trying to escape The Corridors! You roll after each match, and it can mean more CONTROL POINTS earned and even potential points LOST in other regions due to your army being lost in the maze!



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