The chaotic Sylvaneth of The Living Forest are a twisted reflection of their brethren from the rest of the Mortal Realms. A creation of the mad Magister Lesitan, these Sylvaneth enjoy torture and the pain of their foes. Even other Sylvaneth armies are not safe!
Though most of the forest is an ugly tangle of terror, lots of beauty and power resides in pockets of The Living Forest! It takes days of searching to find these spots; but if your warband wants control, that sacrifice must be made.
The first battleplan available is Duality of Death from the General's Handbook 2017! Fighting through the forest, two warbands fight for control of 2 points of power. Make sure to bring tough heroes and behemoths for this one!
The second battleplan is a TEAM MULTIPLAYER MATCH called the Grove of Tears! Wells of wailing souls are looking to be free by allied armies, and lots of Control Points for The Living Forest are up for grabs in this one. However, even if a team wins, the drama is not over:
The winning team rolls 1 die a piece. The winner of the roll may decide to stab their teammate in the back! If they do,
they add 3 CONTROL POINTS towards control of the LIVING FOREST and subtract 3 CONTROL POINTS from their opponents!
they add 3 CONTROL POINTS towards control of the LIVING FOREST and subtract 3 CONTROL POINTS from their opponents!
ACK! Choose your friends wisely! The choice to turn on your ally would catapult your warband to the top of the Control Chart for The Living Forest, for sure!
The third way to play in The Living Forest is a Skirmish battleplan! An arena controlled by Spite Revenants wants to see you and another warband tear one another to pieces in ARENA BATTLE! This version is much more deadly than last years, but a quick win here is going to be huge to control The Living Forest! A roll of a '6' on the Arena Madness Chart could mean a TON of Control Points for both sides!
These are just 3 exciting ways to play of 30 that will be ready to go as The War for Hirestel starts 2 weeks from today! Are you ready?!
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